Saturday, March 03, 2012

Windows Metro Style Apps Developer Downloads

Windows Metro Style Apps Developer Downloads

Microsoft has first "shipped" Windows 8 "Developer Preview" back in September 2011.
That was a "package" of both OS and Dev tools.

Now, they have "shipped" Windows 8 "Consumer Preview", with 100 000 code changes.
For developers, there are separate SDKs (link above).

Windows 8 is a mix of "Desktop" and "Metro" (touch, mobile).
In this latest release, "old style" (Win32) apps could run in parallel (on the same screen)
with "Metro" style apps, that are main "Start" view.
One of "old style" packages is Office, including next version also!
In fact, existing apps are running almost as in Win32 Virtual Machine on new WinRT.

Bottom line: new "Metro style" development is done in Visual Studio 11 (beta).
"Old style" win32 will still be available, so all existing tools and skills are valid.

Windows 8 looks quite polished and fast...
With this Microsoft will have a decent chance to compete with iOS and Android...

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