Sunday, March 25, 2012

Codiqa - the jQuery Mobile Prototype Builder

Codiqa - the jQuery Mobile Prototype Builder

An very nice online interactive tool for creating jQuery Mobile pages.
Subscription $10-30 / month.

Can be tested at

HTML5 + jQueryMobile + PhoneGap is a "disruptive innovation" technology for mobile development.
It is "good enough" for basic cases, and that could be most of mobile apps anyway.
And it is being improved rapidly, most likely faster than "native" iOS, Android, even Microsoft tools.

Microsoft has an interesting dilemma
  • embrace: provide a PhoneGap-like tool in Visual Studio (there is beta PhoneGap for WP7)
  • or keep pushing proprietary Windows 8 WinRT APIs that can be programmed by JavaScript/HTML5.
In typical recent Microsoft way, it does not have to be a choice, both could be used... "there's no need for the tyranny of OR"—Windows 8 can serve both tablet AND desktop users without compromises"

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