Monday, February 06, 2012

Google's "Solve for X" moonshot thinking

a conference for big thinkers to discuss “radical technology ideas for solving global problems."

February 1-3, 2012 in CordeValle Resort in San Martin, CA.
For three days, fifty scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators from around the world came together to discuss and debate radical solutions to some really big problems.
Solve for X is a forum to encourage and amplify technology-based moonshot thinking and teamwork.
If you have seen (or given) a talk that you think meets the Solve for X criteria, please enter the following, formatted this way, in your Google+ post: Huge Problem, Radical Solution, Breakthrough technology, Video (link to a YouTube video).

Google's Solve for X Website Goes Online

...visions will have to presented in a laser-focused 12-minute monologue to a "highly accomplished group of people" in a conference environment. Google lifted the importance of the presentations to the likes of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy. It is inspiration, passion and intelligence the company is looking for...

@ google+

Bottom line: a TED-like event, organized by Google.

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