Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Android for Everyone on the Planet

Google's Schmidt Predicts an Android for Everyone on the Planet - NYTimes.com

""The smartphone revolution will be universal and a mobile experience to be available to almost everyone at a fraction of the price,” he said. “If Google gets it right, there will be an Android in every pocket, and at the current growth rate, it is certainly possible.”

Mr. Schmidt said 850,000 Android phones are activated every day, and 300 million Android devices have been activated.

That figure doubled in the last six months, and “eventually it’ll be a trillion and we’ll run out of people,” he said.

The company’s scale, he said, could be instrumental in changing how the world works and how technological innovation happens.

“A new intelligent infrastructure will emerge, we would argue, powered by Android,” he said. “This is something Google is working on.”"

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