Monday, December 26, 2011

Extending Batteries Life

Battery Univeristy: How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries

If at all possible, avoid frequent full discharges and charge more often between uses. If full discharges cannot be avoided, try utilizing a larger battery. Partial discharge on Li-ion is fine; there is no memory and the battery does not need periodic full discharge cycles other than to calibrate the fuel gauge on a smart battery.

Elevated temperature is anything that dwells above 30°C (86°F), and a high voltage is higher than 4.10V/cell... Exposing the battery to high temperature and being at full state-of-charge for an extended time can be more damaging than cycling...

Users should not worry too much about the state-of-charge; a cool and dry place is more important...

Giz Explains: Why Batteries Die

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