Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs turtlenecks

The real reason Steve Jobs wore turtlenecks | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Jobs took a trip to Japan in the 1980s and was rather moved to see everyone at Sony wearing a uniform
Jobs discovered that the Sony garb was designed by the fine Japanese fashion icon Issey Miyake. So he asked Miyake to create, dare one even imagine it, an Apple vest for all of Cupertino to wear.
Apple employees expressed aggressively negative reservations about such a 1984-ish suggestion
The Apple CEO and Miyake, though, stayed in touch. Jobs' enthusiasm for a personal uniform remained undimmed, so he asked Miyake to make him some of his classic black turtlenecks. He received "hundreds of them."
Jobs understood that the more he was seen in public, the more he felt he ought to project a consistent brand image for his own personal identity.

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