Saturday, July 09, 2011

JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Sematic Markup is Dead! Clean vs. Machine-coded HTML - Scott Hanselman

JavaScript is Assembly Language for the Web: Semantic Markup is Dead! Clean vs. Machine-coded HTML - Scott Hanselman

Podcast: Scott talks to Erik Meijer from Microsoft Research about the idea that JavaScript is an assembly language

This translation to JavaScript could be part of "big deal"
about "(native) HTML5 applications" in Windows 8.

It is about Tools, that help developers automate creating HTML5 apps.
I would not be surprised if such tools generate HTML from XAML, and JavaScript from C#...
That would be similar to GWT (Google Web Toolkit), that generates web apps from Java.

  • Erik is involved in project "Volta" that translates .NET IL to JavaScript
  • ScriptSharp is a custom language that translates to JavaScript, by another Microsoft person.
  • CoffeeScript is another custom language that translates to JavaScript
  • GWT translates Java or Google Closure to JavaScript
  • WebSharper is a commercial tool that translates F# to JavaScript

    Sample "modern" web page, Google+, that consists mostly from machine generated JavaScript
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