Monday, April 18, 2011

Dynamic Views @ Blogger / Blogspot

All about Dynamic Views for Readers - Blogger Help

This blinks/blog is using Google's blogging tool, Blogger.
Free and general tool, created by same person who was running Twitter,
so far was just "good enough"...
And now, here is some very innovation, "views"
Click the lift on the left, to try it out..

Blogger currently offers five dynamic views for its public blogs.
These views are only accessible if allowed for by the blog author.

Flipcard: available at [blogURL]/view/flipcard
Mosaic: available at [blogURL]/view/mosaic
Sidebar: available at [blogURL]/view/sidebar
Snapshot: available at [blogURL]/view/snapshot
Timeslide: available at [blogURL]/view/timeslide

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