Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mike Elgan: Why Nokia is toast - Computerworld

Mike Elgan: Why Nokia is toast - Computerworld

A provocative and opinionated article, with some interesting points...
I think there is a good potential in Nokia-Microsoft synergy...
in particular for developers using Microsoft tools...

"Nokia and Microsoft this week announced a new partnership that would replace the Symbian OS with Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 as the software for Nokia's smartphones, which accounts for some 30% of their handset revenue.
Google VP Vic Gundotra tweeted ungenerously that "Two turkeys do not make an Eagle." Ouch!
My view is that Microsoft doesn't matter. Although Windows Phone 7 is a way better operating system than Symbian, Nokia's problem isn't Symbian, and the solution isn't Windows Phone 7.
Apple and Google are winning because they have winning strategies. Nokia is losing because it has a losing strategy. It's as simple as that.
Nokia should take the advice Steve Jobs gave to Nike CEO Mark Parker: "Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff."
In a nutshell, Nokia fails on design, branding and simplicity. Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 will solve none of these problems.
When you go to the Apple site, there is only one phone -- Apple's best. You can't buy the wrong phone. You can't live in the wrong country.
Yet just a year and a half after Nokia's pullout, Apple was capturing an incredible 72% of Japan's smartphone market.

Apple succeeded in Japan where Nokia failed because Apple offered Japanese consumers better
design, better branding and more simplicity -- not the opposite.
winning strategy for Nokia is clear: Sell only two phones.
* ultimate minimalist, tiny, super-reliable cell phone that does not connect to the Internet.
* ultimate smartphone based on Windows Phone 7.

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