Friday, June 25, 2010

Cars produced in the world - Worldometers

(1) It is estimated that over 600,000,000 passenger cars travel the streets and roads of the world today.

(2) now, we are burning about 10-20 million of years of carbon hydrates every year

(1) + (2) = (3) each person that is driving car (assuming it is using other forms of energy proportionally) is burning 6-12 days of complete worlds production
of fossil fuels each year. You can think about this way: to drive a car for a year,
you first go to a hunt on *all* dinosaurs in the world for a week or two...

In the United States alone, 247,421,120 "highway" registered vehicles were counted in 2005, of which 136,568,083 passenger cars. (Bureau of Transportation Statistics U.S. Department of Transportation)

year cars produced in the world
2009 51,971,328
2008 52,940,559
2007 54,920,317
2006 49,886,549
2005 46,862,978
2004 44,554,268
2003 41,968,666
2002 41,358,394
2001 39,825,888
2000 41,215,653
1999 39,759,847

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