Sunday, May 30, 2010

Raven DB

Raven is an Open Source (with a commercial option) document database for the .NET/Windows platform. Raven offers a flexible data model design to fit the needs of real world systems. Raven stores schema-less JSON documents, allow you to define indexes using Linq queries and focus on low latency and high performance.

  • Scalable infrastructure: Raven builds on top of existing, proven and scalable infrastructure
  • Simple Windows configuration: Raven is simple to setup and run on windows as either a service or IIS7 website
  • Transactional: Raven support System.Transaction with ACID transactions. If you put data in it, that data is going to stay there
  • Map/Reduce: Easily define map/reduce indexes with Linq queries
  • NET Client API: Raven comes with a fully functional .NET client API which implements Unit of Work and much more
  • RESTful: Raven is built around a RESTful API
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