Thursday, June 06, 2024

Kubernetes 10 Years

Kubernetes 10 Year Video - full length version - YouTube

10 Years of Kubernetes | Kubernetes

Ten (10) years ago, on June 6th, 2014, the first commit of Kubernetes was pushed to GitHub. That first commit with 250 files and 47,501 lines of go, bash and markdown kicked off the project we have today.

In March of 2013, a 5-minute lightning talk called "The future of Linux Containers," presented by Solomon Hykes at PyCon, introduced an upcoming open source tool called "Docker" for creating and using Linux Containers. Docker introduced a level of usability to Linux Containers that made them accessible to more users than ever before, and the popularity of Docker, and thus of Linux Containers, skyrocketed. With Docker making the abstraction of Linux Containers accessible to all, running applications in much more portable and repeatable ways was suddenly possible, but the question of scale remained.

Google's Borg system for managing application orchestration at scale had adopted Linux containers as they were developed in the mid-2000s. Since then, the company had also started working on a new version of the system called "Omega." Engineers at Google who were familiar with the Borg and Omega systems saw the popularity of containerization driven by Docker. They recognized not only the need for an open source container orchestration system but its "inevitability," as described by Brendan Burns in this blog post. That realization in the fall of 2013 inspired a small team to start working on a project that would later become Kubernetes. That team included Joe Beda, Brendan Burns, Craig McLuckie, Ville Aikas, Tim Hockin, Dawn Chen, Brian Grant, and Daniel Smith.

Go, Apache2 license