Tuesday, May 03, 2022

WASI with Rust

 webassembly system interface (wasi) changes everything.. getting started tutorial using rust & wasm - YouTube

"in this video we look at how using WASI (web assembly system interface), we can create more powerful webassembly applications that can interact with i/o such as the console and filesystems using WASI. 

we create some rust cli apps and then build their equivalent webassembly cli apps in rust. we explore how to write to the console. write to files and access command line arguments. finally we look at how we can use runtimes to excute our cli apps or create native executables, as well as thinking about webassembly/wasi use cases. "

chrishayuk/chuk-wasi-rust @GitHub


WASI is a modular system interface for WebAssembly. As described in the initial announcement, it’s focused on security and portability.

For a quick intro to WASI, including getting started using it, see the intro document.