web-links (blinks) web-log (blog) by Dragan Sretenovic
Sunday, November 24, 2019
O'Reilly += Katacoda
O'Reilly acquires Katacoda—and a new way for 2.5M customers to learn - O'Reilly Media
Katacoda - Interactive Learning Platform for Software Engineers
Visual Studio Online - Cloud IDE - Code Editor Online
Visual Studio Online - Cloud IDE - Code Editor Online
Cloud-powered dev environments accessible from anywhere
Episode #156 All the programming LOLs - [Python Bytes Podcast]
Microsoft launches Visual Studio Online, an online code editor | TechCrunch
IoT: Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform (MCVP)
The Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform: An Introduction | Internet of Things Show | Channel 9
Connected Vehicles – Intelligent Platform Solutions | Microsoft Industry
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