Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Open Source: new commercial licenses

Free code + premium extension is one of strategies for open source projects.
There are some new licenses being introduced for this purpose, like Commons Clause license.
Much more profitable are not-open customization offered as a services by major public cloud providers, though.

Open Source Product Strategy with Shaun Connolly - Software Engineering Daily

Writing music with code: Alda

Interesting application of Cjoure DSL prog. language

GitHub - alda-lang/alda: A music programming language for musicians.

Writing music with code: Alda/Alda-tabs composition (SciArt Lab) - YouTube

"Code-based music composition: This song has been done only with code. This video is an example of a SciArt Lab's project named 'Alda-tabs: Domain Specific Language for Guitar Players in the Java Virtual Machine.'"

"Perfect for musicians who don't know how to program
and programmers who don't know how to music :-)"

Syntax example
piano: o3
g8 a b > c d e f+ g | a b > c d e f+ g4
g8 f+ e d c < b a g | f+ e d c < b a g4
<< g1/>g/>g/b/>d/g