Plan B for internet: Danny Hillis @ TED

Danny Hillis: The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B - YouTube
"In the 1970s and 1980s, a generous spirit suffused the internet, whose users were few and far between. But today, the net is ubiquitous, connecting billions of people, machines and essential pieces of infrastructure -- leaving us vulnerable to cyber-attack or meltdown. Internet pioneer Danny Hillis argues that the Internet wasn't designed for this kind of scale, and sounds a clarion call for us to develop a Plan B: a parallel system to fall back on should -- or when -- the Internet crashes."

Microsoft Azure has private network that connects its data centers all over the world. 
Very likely AWS and Google have the same.
If big cloud service providers have direct connections, 
and the users find a way to connect to one of their access point, that could be "plan B". 
How to connect? Maybe Low Earth Orbit satellites...

Linus Torvalds @TED

The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds - YouTube

"Linus Torvalds transformed technology twice — first with the Linux kernel, which helps power the Internet, and again with Git, the source code management system used by developers worldwide. In a rare interview with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Torvalds discusses with remarkable openness"

AI: Azure Bot Service, Language Understanding

Announcing the General Availability of Azure Bot Service and Language Understanding, enabling developers to build better conversational bots | Blog | Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Bot Service and Microsoft Cognitive Services Language Understanding (LUIS) are both generally available.

"Azure Bot Service enables developers to create conversational interfaces on multiple channels while Language Understanding (LUIS) helps developers create customized natural interactions on any platform for any type of application, including bots."

Bitcoin $ trillionaire?

Could Satoshi Nakamoto become the world's first trillionaire?
"We don't know the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin... But if Nakamoto is a single person, they're currently the 52nd richest person in the world when measured against Forbes' list of billionaires. And judging by the way Bitcoin's price has exploded, they might soon sit on top of that list, potentially as the world's first trillionaire."

Bitcoin Price | Charts Charts

Bitcoin price | index, chart and news | WorldCoinIndex