Saturday, June 03, 2017

Neural networks and deep learning: book, free, online, visual, AI

Neural networks and deep learning
"Neural Networks and Deep Learning is a free online book.
The book will teach you about:

  • Neural networks, a beautiful biologically-inspired programming paradigm which enables a computer to learn from observational data
  • Deep learning, a powerful set of techniques for learning in neural networks
Neural networks and deep learning currently provide the best solutions to many problems in image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. This book will teach you many of the core concepts behind neural networks and deep learning."

Excellent visualizations (interactive charts) 

MVA Introduction to Azure IoT + Tesla Wireless Quote

Introduction to Azure IoT - Microsoft Virtual Academy
by Jeremy Foster

Azure IoT Hub overview | Microsoft Docs
Azure IoT Hub as cloud gateway in internet of things solution

mentioned in the video:

Nikola Tesla Describes the Modern Smartphone — in 1926 | Big Think

An interview with Nikola Tesla, 1926
"When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.