Sunday, October 11, 2015

tool: Route Optimization: RouteXL

About us | RouteXL
"RouteXL is a road route planner for multiple locations. It calculates the best route along multiple destinations. RouteXL displays all your destinations in the most optimal sequence. RouteXL is free for routes up to 20 addresses. After a contribution you can boost up to 150 addresses per route.
Mathematicians have tried for years to find a solution. They have even found a name for it: the Travelling Salesman Problem. If you like to solve puzzles, go ahead and have fun. If you'd like some help, let RouteXL find the fastest route for you, it's much easier.
Open Source

The user interface and computational models for route optimization using map data OpenStreetMap© OpenStreetMap-authors, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
Locations are found with Mapbox, Photon, Bing, Google, Here, Mapquest or Specifically,. Routes will be, among other things with the aid of computed Graphhopper, OSRM or Gosmore. The interface is built with Leaflet or jQuery. Our servers use HHVM."