IoT: Agriculture 3.0

Farming Goes High-Tech | On Point with Tom Ashbrook
In this June 11, 2015, photo, a hexacopter drone is flown by Intelligent UAS, during a drone demonstration at a farm and winery on potential use for board members of the National Corn Growers in Cordova, Md. (AP)

The Internet of Things and the Future of Farming - The New York Times
"...Venture capitalists seem to share some of Mr. Donny’s optimism. In the first half of this year, venture investment in so-called agtech start-ups reached $2.06 billion in 228 deals..."

Feeding 9 Billion | National Geographic
Nice web presentation...

Home - OnFarm
software tool for monitoring and automation of agriculture

ReactiveX: Reactive programming links

Many links about Reactive Extension / Programming on many platfroms:

ReactiveX - Links to More Information


"An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams"

Introduction to Rx : a free, on-line book by Lee Campbell