Friday, April 03, 2015

IoT: Internet of Things and the Web of Things @ ERCIM

Europe (and China) are pushing IoT hard...

ERCIM: The Promise of the Internet of Things and the Web of Things - Introduction to the Special 
Image ERCIM News 101 cover page
"Improvements in electronics are enabling widespread deployment of connected sensors and actuators (the Internet of Things) with predictions of tens of billions of smart objects by 2020 (Cisco 2011). This raises huge challenges for security, privacy and data handling, along with great opportunities across many application domains, e.g., home and building automation, retail, healthcare, electrical grids, transport, logistics, manufacturing, and environmental monitoring (IERC 2014).
For the Web of Things, this corresponds to finding services that can perform these tasks, e.g., transforming data, identifying events that are implied by a combination of lower level events, or carrying out actions with a combination of actuators.

The ‘things’ in the Web of Things are virtual objects. They can represent real world objects such as sensors and actuators, people and locations, or even abstract ideas like periods of time (e.g., the 70’s) or events (e.g., a football match, concert or play). The ‘web’ in the Web of Things refers to the idea that things’ are accessible via Web technologies, e.g., HTTP at the protocol layer, or scripting APIs at the services layer."

"The Web of Things (WoT) is a term used to describe approaches, software architectural styles and programming patterns that allow real-world objects to be part of the World Wide Web. Similarly to what the Web (Application Layer) is to the Internet (Network Layer), the Web of Things provides an Application Layer that simplifies the creation of Internet of Things applications"

50 years of Moore’s Law

April 19, 1965: How Do You Like It? Moore, Moore, Moore | WIRED

The Multiple Lives of Moore’s Law - IEEE Spectrum
"A half century ago, a young engineer named Gordon E. Moore took a look at his fledgling industry and predicted big things to come in the decade ahead. In a four-page article in the trade magazine Electronics, he foresaw a future with home computers, mobile phones, and automatic control systems for cars. All these wonders, he wrote, would be driven by a steady doubling, year after year, in the number of circuit components that could be economically packed on an integrated chip."img
Image: Intel
"The Sweet Spot: Economics was at the core of Moore’s 1965 paper. He argued that for any particular generation of manufacturing technology, there is a cost curve. The cost of making a component declines the more you pack onto an integrated circuit, but past a certain point, yields decline and costs rise. The sweet spot, where the cost per component is at a minimum, moves to more and more complex integrated circuits over time."