Friday, April 25, 2014

javascript: Polynomial regression

regression.js is a javascript library containing a collection of least squares fitting methods for finding a trend in a set of data. It currently contains methods for linear, exponential, logarithmic, power and polynomial trends

it even has nice charting by using flot.js

Polynomial Regression Data Fit (polysolve, js)
another online tool, with charting

Polynomial interpolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The red dots denote the data points (xk,yk),
while the blue curve shows the interpolation polynomial.

edX course: Learning From Data (Caltech)

Learning From Data MOOC - The Lectures

CaltechX: CS1156x: Learning From Data | edX:
  • Free, introductory Machine Learning online course (MOOC)
  • Taught by Caltech Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa [article]
  • Lectures recorded from a live broadcast, including Q&A
  • Prerequisites: Basic probability, matrices, and calculus
  • 8 homework sets and a final exam
  • Discussion forum for participants
  • Topic-by-topic video library for easy review
Machine Learning Video Library - Learning From Data (Abu-Mostafa)

Map of Machine Learning (Abu-Mostafa)

Learning From Data: Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Hsuan-Tien Lin: 9781600490064: Books

LFD logo

Another "MOOC" class,
interesting comparison with Cousera / Stanford
and Udacity / GeogiaTech

Online Education: Cal Tech vs. Stanford Machine Learning Courses -

And apparently YouTube is  THE place to store all knowledge (and other stuff) of the world... And apparently a very profitable business for Google.

telerik/kendo-ui-core : free & open source

telerik/kendo-ui-core · GitHub:

"Kendo UI is everything you need to build sites and apps with HTML5 & JavaScript & Kendo UI Core is the free and open-source version of Kendo UI that provides access to the web's best UI widgets and key framework features essential for developing great experiences for the web and mobile."

It is not easy to compete with "free" like jQuery.
In fact, it may be a good business for Telerik to offer a free version,
since most enterprise developers would rather pay for support than not...

Kendo UI Labs · GitHub

Telerik · GitHub