web-links (blinks) web-log (blog) by Dragan Sretenovic
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web
cdixon tumblr, The decline of the mobile web
Internet of Things Business
Business models that make the Internet of Things feasible - O'Reilly Radar
Internet and phone service providers.
Construction firms and others who already do home upgrades, such as HVAC companies
Major retailers. Examples:
Staples Connect
Lowes Iris
Snap.svg - Home
: "The JavaScript SVG library for the modern web."
by creator of popular Raphael.js, now working in Adobe.
Snap.svg is available under an Apache 2 license which means it’s completely open-source, and completely free.
Machine Learning Courses @ Udacity & Coursera
Machine Learning Course On Supervised Learning - Udacity
Conversations on Analyzing Data
new class, with
Machine Learning | Coursera
Andrew Ng
Stanford University
(co-founder of Coursera)
"The Big List of D3.js Examples"
"The Big List of D3.js Examples"
Almost 2000 examples
View web version