Sunday, September 29, 2013

Algorithms @ Coursera

online class: Algorithms, Part I | Coursera:
"Algorithms, Part I
Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick (Princeton)
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations. Part I covers basic iterable data types, sorting, and searching algorithms."

book @ safari Algorithms
By: Robert Sedgewick; Kevin Wayne

materials @ Princeton

Coursera has collected a huge number of classes from many elite universities, lead by Stanford. The format may not be always optimal for online teaching, but the quantity, and brand names, are there.

Udacity has nice custom classes, but it will require a breakthrough
("revolution") to make such custom method compete with "classic"
("evolution") recordings from existing universities.

edX is similar to Coursera, just a smaller "club" of MIT, Harvard, Berlekey, etc.

Common for Udacity and edX is that they are using YouTube for storing videos. Coursers appears to have a custom storage.

In any case, this are all fascinating resources for learning.

Sublime Text 2: Tuts+ Premium Course

Free Video Classes:
Tuts+ Premium Course: Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2
From author: "Sublime Text 2, the best code editor available today. Don’t believe me? Let me convince you in this course."

"Tuts+ Premium courses teach you a single skill from top to bottom, inside out."

a book about Sublime Text 3

@ Jesse Liberty