Saturday, April 20, 2013

SolarCity: (free) Solar Panels for Home

Latest company by (PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX) Elon Musk: SolarCity

They offer an option to get solar panels installed for free,
and you just pay for energy usage, that is less that current bill.

Solar Panels for Your Home - Residential Solar Power Systems - SolarCity

Samsung: SAFE with Knox

Samsung announces SAFE with Knox, details plans to secure the enterprise Galaxy (hands-on)

"SAFE, which stands for Samsung for Enterprise"

A comprehensive collection of features that include Security Enhanced (SE) Android, secure boot, TrustZone-based Integrity Monitoring (TIMA) for protecting the kernel, Single Sign On (SSO) and that application container concept made famous by BlackBerry, just to name a few... Knox will ship pre-installed on select devices